Saturday 24 September 2016


Feeling: Nervous

Will my anxiety ever stay out of things?!

I am starting a new job soon that involves working nights and monitoring furry inpatients and cleaning at a pet hospital. I'm so excited to look after furry patients but I'm suddenly scared of the responsibility. Lately the only thing that calms me is envisaging myself further into the future, feeling comfortable and doing my job well. It reminds me of a technique in a book I have with tips to be positive and happy.
Close your eyes and picture a flight of stairs. You are slowly climbing the stairs. As you step, you see another climbing down the stairs. It is you. The 'you' you aspire to be, the very best version of yourself. As you both meet in the middle of the stairs, the two of you merge and you embody the self you want to be.
I think "Throw caution to the wind" ought to be my new mantra.

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