Thursday 3 September 2015


Feeling: Fed up/miserable/irritated

I'm at a point where I'm really miserable in my home situation again. I'm not getting on with my family, especially my sister, everyone irritates me almost all the time and I can't be myself because I get loads of judgement my way - 'Do you have to watch that?', 'Why don't you choose something else?' 'Disney is for children.'

Better off?

I have about 1-2 months worth of anti-depressants and I'm wondering whether I'll be better off going back on them. I am going to be living at home with my family for at least another year or so, what am I supposed to do? Do I start taking the meds again or is it just my living situation that I have to deal with? If I was in a different environment I think I would be fine, but I'm not :(

*chomps Curly Wurly*

Of course I don't want to rely on the meds and take them whenever I'm a bit down, I know it doesn't work like that. You need to allow yourself a couple of weeks to adjust and for them to start working anyway, so it wouldn't do you any good just randomly popping them like sweets.

*chomp chomp*

I have been depressed, so slipping back into it is possible. If these meds will help me manage my current situation and help me to cope a bit better, then why not. Also, if I don't start them again, what would my alternative be, because I am going to be soooo damn stressed with my Postgrad course :S I just need to think it over a bit longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. I have struggled with the same problem for a long time. Awhile back after a carefully thought out process, i went off my meds that i was on for depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar. I was on a large cocktail of drugs that had worked for about a year which was impressive for me because up until then i couldn't go two weeks without switching drugs. But symptoms were showing up that forced me to make a decision. The drugs were causing me to have muscles that were so painful i wanted to commit suicide everyday. My psychiatrist eliminated the drugs she thought were causing the problem but the muscle spasm didn't stop. Against her advice I went off all of my meds except for my birth control. I knew I would have to take my mental disorders head on but I decided it would be better that way because I wouldn't be in so much pain every day. Granted, it has slowed down my progress to get stabilized but I am no longer in any pain. Would being on meds help me? Yes, but it would also put my quality of life in a place that is not where a human should be.