Friday 22 May 2015


Work Experience in Reception

I LOOOOOVE working in Reception! I think it's my favourite age in Early Years, they're wonderful little sparks! I have grown really attached to them. The one thing I remember from being in Reception was giving my teacher lots of cuddles and now I'm the one getting cuddles! :D

I am getting the hang of the Early Years Framework a bit more every day and I'm starting to zone in on what I'm looking for when I supervise and observe the children, so my confidence is getting higher all the time.

Postgrad Applications

I sent off my applications last week. I was sooooo stressed about it, every time I worked on my application forms I came close to tears because I've had no sense of whether it was too late or not.

In the end I applied to 2 universities: Bath Spa and Winchester. Both not tooo far from home - at least compared to the unis I looked up in the midlands -  and Bath Spa is near Tom's home which is a big bonus. I have an italian cousin who is working in the hospital there, but otherwise I won't know anyone - visits from Tom would be soo therapeutic.

There was a major disaster when it came to finally emailing Winchester my application because of technical problems, I was going crazy. Eventually it went through thankfully :)

To bring you completely up to speed, Bath Spa emailed me on Tuesday and invited me for an INTERVIEW!! EEEEEEEEKKKK!!


Feeling: Driven
Listening to: You Rock My World - Michael Jackson

Slimming World: My first month

I'm on week 4 since joining Slimming World and I'm feeling good! I gained half a pound last week, but I've still lost 3 pounds since I started, so I've just got to focus on that :) also, since it's MY BIRTHDAY NEXT THURSDAY I'm determined to knock it out of the park and lose at least 2 pounds!

It's been tricky occasionally, but my group consultant is lovely, I have her number and can send her a message if I need advice or comforting :) it took me a couple of weeks to internalise the plan, what helped was making meal plans for the following week and shopping online so we only get what we need with no junk :) well, we don't like junk food really, but we love salty snacks and chocolate. Oooh I'm hungry now..

I have two slimming world cookbooks now and I've been making dinner almost every day from scratch, so it's building up my confidence in the kitchen which is great. How domesticated I am becoming!

Friday 1 May 2015


Feeling: Bored/hungry

Making drastic lifestyle changes means you don't think about anything else and I'm not enjoying this transitional period. Although, once it becomes second nature, I'll get bored! Figures.

Slimming World Group

I went to a group last night down the road from my house and mum came along as my moral support. I felt so nervous about going: being in a room full of strangers, talking about my weight which I'm so self-conscious about, I thought I'd get weighed in front of everybody watching. It was not like that at all! :)

It was really nice! I felt welcome as soon as I went, the ladies and members are friendly and enjoy seeing new faces coming in to the group. There were a few other newbs and our group consultant took us into another room for half an hour to talk us through the plan and how to use it.

We then joined the rest of the group and went member to member to discuss their week and if they lost weight. They are kind and willing to help each other, because everyone wants the same outcome: to be a weight they are happy and confident at. They share recipe ideas and things they do to keep moving.

The consultant is wonderfully friendly, I'm so relieved. I feel really driven to do well and I'm excited to lose weight and tell everyone in group next week! I can tell the support will feel wonderful, bring on the weight loss!