Sunday 2 April 2017


I've recently developed a cycle, almost like the water cycle. I cry (though sometimes not enough) and over time the frustration builds and builds until the floodgates open again. I initially want to say that this is to do with my relationship, but in actual fact that's only one element. I'm not sure when this frustration started but it seems to be the only emotion running through me now. I suppose I could boil it down to 3 categories:


Love: He feels further away than ever.
Work: I've no clue what to do with my degree or my future. I have a few ideas of what I'd like to do but I am constantly changing my mind and can't stick to a career path, even just for the time being.
Life: I'm fed up of living at home, I outgrew my attic bedroom when I left for university and don't share common interests with family so despite being surrounded by people I feel lonely.

Today I've decided to stop caring about everything. It will be easier for me to get through the days without my head feeling like a huge, tight knot. Oh god, am I sliding back?


rst said...

one day everything will be ok. i know you think its difficult to happen but it will be.

rst said...

you have to enroll yourself​ in some distance education programme with low fees. adding certificates will help you get stable job. doesn't matter salary is less or more but stable job will give you much needed relief from constant anxiety which you feel in part time jobs. and ur resume won't show empty career spans. hey, don't be afraid. everything will be ok.