Thursday 15 December 2016


Feeling: Grumpy (Being: Lazy!)

Well here we are again, at the begin of a new job, no. 4 this year! It's so embarrassing when people ask me how work is and I have to explain actually I'm at a new place again for the nth time :/

I'm back into retail for the moment so let's hope once I know the store layout and what I'm talking about I will be content for a while. I'm irritated today because the store opens tomorrow and I wasn't scheduled to work today but I'm having to go in to help get the store ready. I did say I couldn't at first but then I thought it's another chance to see the product layout before customers are in and asking where to find things! It would also get me further into the good books of the managing staff - I was told I'd been the first person who was able to go in. To be fair I'm sure the others in the new team are either studying or with their kids so I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else. I just want to keep out of trouble and avoid anything that could make me look bad through the manager's perspective.

I'd best go have a nibble before setting off!