Monday 31 October 2016


Feeling: Disappointed

So I've been in my new job for a month now and.... I can't say I'm enjoying it. Before I started I was so hopeful that it would be the job for me and I would finally have found what I want to do for years to come. Have I found it? No I don't think so! UGGGH. Is it me?! Am I being difficult to the point of impossible? Will I ever find a job I'm happy with?!!

The company so far has treated me well, the staff and the head nurse, who is essentially my boss, have been great. Training me like mad, ensuring I am confident with all aspects of my job. I am fairly comfortable with my job in terms of the tasks I need to do, but....well no matter how much you know of a job you don't truly know how it will be until you've started and ben in the environment for some time. The "job reality" is started to settle and I'm beginning to see what I am: 70% cleaner, 20% animal care assistant and 10% receptionist. No, make that 75% cleaner, 20% animal care assistant and 5% receptionist! I was aware that there would be a lot of cleaning but it appears that the animal care element is being phased out a bit more *sigh* virtually my reason to be there. I know, everyone in the pet hospital plays their part in improving local pet welfare and it does feel good but with all the cleaning I have to do, I forget what it is I'm doing it for. It's more in preparation for the following day (I work nights).

Night working. That's a whole other thing! I'll do a post specifically on my experience working nights.

I don't know how long I'll be here, this is the first job where I've felt the probationary period for what it is: a test period tat I might not pass. I've always previously thought that they won't actually get rid of me, but I've met staff cat my current workplace who've appeared to do well at their job and haven't stayed once their probationary period ended. Maybe I am basing my judgment on a glimpse of her working, but I was still surprised. So the first time, I don't feel safe.